This is a masculine shot due to the composition of the two characters. The camera shows the man is looking down at the women, and she is looking up at him which demonstrates the power he has over her. The composition of the shot enables the audience to look through the characters at the characters in the background. The characters in the background have been specifically composed on her side of the shot. The angle is midshot in order to enable the audience to see the relationship between the characters in the shot, and the characters in the background. The location symbolizes the secrecy in their meeting perhaps?
This is a feminine shot due to the close angle of the shot. This demonstrates the relationship between the two characters due to the intimacy captured from the facial expressions from the two characters. The composition has deliberately placed the two characters close together due to create the emotion of intimacy which is established as a feminine trait. |
This is a masculine shot due to the low angle shot, putting the women in power. Expressing her dominance. The composition enables the audience to look directly up at her, yet next to her due to the space left. |
This is a masculine shot due to the courageous facial expression on his face which links to masculinity. The shot also enables us to see him pointing a gun- however the camera angle is high angle which could express vulnerability, yet his facial expression and gun mask that theory of vulnerability. |
This is masculine shot due to it links to the male gaze, as she is seen as sex object. The composition links to the body language. The lighting highlights her, as it focuses mainly on her body. |
This shot is masculine due to the camera angle is long shot, in order to see all the people enabling the idea that they could possibly be heading for a fight or something along those lines. The lighting is natural to expression the time of day, and they are approaching from the water which is also an interesting addition of this shot. |
This is a feminine shot due to the camera focuses on the women. The lighting is delicate which links to her delicate femininity emphasized in this shot. She is almost looking down, as though she almost doesn't want to make eye contact with the other character that is not visible in the shot. |
This shot is masculine. The lighting enables the man to be the main focus point, due to he is the only person in shot. The lighting deliberately highlights his face and in particular his facial expressions to express his importance. |
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